IECA Mentor Match Discovery Call Guidelines for Mentors(should take approximately 45 minutes)1. Explain how this discovery call will go today. This is a “getting to know each other” call and that at the end of the call each can determine whether to proceed or not.2. Inquire about mentee story and what led them to consider this program. Briefly discuss what they are looking for as success as a result of working together.3. Outline the mentor’s background. Explain about mentoring and how your background, experiences, and training will be fully available to the mentee. Explain what mentoring will look like—will the m
entor just respond to questions? Ask questions of their own? Proactively provide resources? Or wait to be asked?5. Discuss confidentiality and security.6. Explain how the two of you will design your alliance:
a. Confirm that initiative and change always comes from mentee.
b. Discuss “how do you want to be mentored?” Discuss boundaries & preferred communication styles.
c. Grant the relationship power. It is not the mentor’s experience that will help the mentee; it is being in the relationship that will move the mentee forward. Relationship power is granted by being fully forthright, open, and honest. Agree to accept our failures and frustrations. Grant the relationship power by making it a safe container, without judgment and by challenging the mentee to be more than they may think they can be.
d. Expect and allow mistakes and “do-overs” by each of you.
7. Discuss how the calls will go, explain about challenges, goals, and homework, and remind the mentee about the ups and downs of the process.9. Confirm that you will both set up firm dates and times for appointments.10. Note the impact of vacations, late or missed calls, and other changes in scheduling that may arise. Request at least 48-hour notice of changes.11. Talk about the issue of commitment, discuss being human, and explain while that learning and change may take time, the foremost intent of this mentoring program is to move the mentee forward towards their objectives and goals.12. Seek mutual agreement on the length of mentorship (from three to six months).13. Decide on the next meeting date & time.